- Up to 600 % ROI
- Up to 20 % of IT budget optimization
- Reduce service hours by 50 %
- Reduce TCO by 30% 30 %
- You did not possess precise and reliable data about software deployed and being used in your company
- You are aiming at a reduction of financial, legal and reputational risks related to license agreements and usage rights
- You strive to minimize costs for software delivery and support
- You are aiming at software licensing cost optimization
- IT Asset Management processes in your company are not cost efficient enough and do not provide you the required level for control over software assets
The SAM service allows a company to significantly optimize its IT budget, decrease the risk of penalties imposed by vendors and implement effective processes for the management of software as an IT asset. This service enables a company to focus on its business rather than the support of uncontrolled software assets. The SAM service contributes to a company’s reputation as one that respects intellectual property rights.
- Microsoft SAM (License Management for Microsoft Products)
- Extended License Management
- Software Rationalization
- Dynamic SAM
- SAM Process Optimization
- Software Potential Analysis
- Pilot project for SAM deployment for a limited number of devices including deployment of Microsoft tools for SAM, analysis of the current SAM state and maturity level in the areas of hardware and software inventory.
Detection & Plan
- Detection of any potential risks and the creation of a plan for the development of the SAM inventory processes. Based on the pilot project and in compliance with Microsoft SAM Deployment Planning program
- Inventory of Microsoft software using Microsoft tools and/or another software inventory solutions
- License validation for Microsoft products using Microsoft standard tools in accordance with Microsoft SAM Baseline and Microsoft SAM Assessment programs
- Consulting regarding license reconciliation for Microsoft products
- Current SAM processes maturity level in compliance with Microsoft SAM Baseline Review program
- Consulting to develop SAM to the next level in accordance with Microsoft SAM Baseline Review program
- Consulting regarding overhead optimization for Microsoft products
As a result the customer gets:
- Executive Overview Presentation with description of current SAM maturity level in the hardware and software competency area, risks, benefits of movement to the future state
- SAM improvement plan within the hardware & software inventory competency
- Executive overview report
- Effectvie License Position statement (Microsoft Products)
- Licensing Optimization Recommendations Report
- SAM Optimization Model (SOM) Assessment and Recommendations Report
Software inventory
- Software inventory for a specific set of vendors’ (vendor names are as agreed with the customer)
Software using Microsoft tools and/or another software inventory solutions
License compliance validation for software
- License compliance validation for software from a specific set of vendors using Microsoft standard tools or another inventory and license management tool such as Flexera FlexNet Manager, Snow Software, HP etc
Consulting regarding license reconciliation for software from a specific set of vendors
Consulting regarding software cost optimization for a specific set of vendors
As a result the customer gets:
- Executive overview report
- License compliance report for software of a specific set of vendors
- Llicense gap elimination plan
- Licensing Optimization Recommendations Report
- SAM Optimization Model (SOM) Assessment and Recommendations Report
Сonsulting regarding problems of rationalizing software by functionality, standardizing of versions and editions
Software usage tracking
Optimization of low-used or unused licenses
- (uninstallation, return licenses to the pool, change of licensing programs etc)
Prepare rationalized Master Application List, MAL
As a result the customer gets:
- Software Usage report
- Recommendaations for license optimization
- Master Application List
CMDB/license registry management
- (add/change records related to software and licenses)
Maintaining licenses in the license registry/CMDB
- Maintaining licenses in the license registry/CMDB and ensure its relationship is established with inventory data by means of software solutions supporting such functionality (such as Flexera FlexNet Manager, Snow, AssetExplorer etc) ensures constant automatic monitoring of software license compliance
Regular periodic license compliance monitoring
Integration with client applications management service in order to ensure automatic license control for software packages prepared within this service
Regular reporting the license compliance state and changes in software assets made in the CMDB during reference period
As a result the customer gets:
- License compliance reports for software from a specific set of vendors 1 time per reference period
- License gap elimination plans 1 time per reference period
- CMDB management in context of software
- Integration with client applications management and regular license compliance validation
Design a strategy for Microsoft software license expense optimization
Design a strategy for license expense optimization of software from a specific set of vendors
Consulting regarding SAM process optimization
Design SAM processes
As a result the customer gets:
- Recommended expense optimization strategy for Microsoft/specific set of vendors software (set of vendors as agreed with the customer)
- Recommended/designed SAM processes
Assessment of software Operation System migration readiness
Assessment of software virtualization readiness
As a result the customer gets:
- Report for software assets readiness and for operating system migration/application virtualization (list of software that should be assessed is provided by the customer).
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