ICL Services
11 May 2016


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6 main software development books

It is an open secret: you need to read professional technical literature to be a great expert in software development. The famous saying goes "You need to read 10 books to become clever, but to find them, you need to read a thousand". Today there are plenty of such books, every year brings thousands of tutorials and useful books on programming. 

Andrey Krehov — Deputy Director for Special Programs in ICL Services — has created a list of major books among the "untested newcomers" that should not be missed and some "must-haves":

  1. "Code Complete" by Steve McConnell. In fact, this one book, though rather big (a little less than 900 pages), covers virtually all aspects of software development. Thanks to Steve's simple manner of presentation, special style and sense of humor, it is very easy to read it.
  2. Almost any book about refactoring refers to Martin Fowler's "Refactoring". The main reason for the success of this book is its practical orientation. The most difficult thing an author faces when giving the material is to bring a good case in point. Fowler has no equal in this. After reading this book, most programmers change their approach to writing code. They become more competent, careful and attentive to their creation.
  3. E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, О. Vlissides "Design Patterns". OOAD guru Martin Fowler writes: "GoF patterns is the best book on object-oriented design that has ever been published.” This book is highly influential in the software industry.
  4.  R. Martin "Clean Code". This is one of the most successful books on writing high-quality code. The only thing to consider — this book is Java-oriented. All the examples are written entirely in Java. At the same time, a large number of tips and "code smells" are typical mainly for Java-Code.
  5. D. Knuth "The Art of Computer Programming".  This is a three-volume programmer Bible. It contains a detailed description and analysis of the most important fundamental algorithms used in computer science, as well as many practical tasks for the assimilation and revision of the subject material. The American Scientist magazine has included the work of Knuth in the list of twelve best physical and mathematical monographs of the XX century, along with Einstein's work on relativity.
  6.  A. Hunt, D. Thomas "The Pragmatic Programmer". The authors used their rich experience in programming to create a structured set of practical tips for programmers. Almost all the topics set out in the book are explained with expressive analogies, which accuracy is sometimes astonishing. The book draws parallels between poor quality code and the broken windows theory, joinery and programming, driving and writing code, firing tracer bullets and prototyping software, walking through a minefield and programming by coincidence. At the end of each section, there are discussion questions and exercises that once again emphasize the practical focus of the book.
  7. Experts say, anyone who considers himself a programmer must read these books. 


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