Leading manufacturer of cosmetics and home detergents - Completed project
ICL Services

Leading manufacturer of cosmetics and home detergents

The customer that commissioned the project is a Russian subsidiary of a major German manufacturer of home and beauty care goods. The company's products can be found on supermarket shelves all over the world.

Due to the difficulties with maintaining international business in Russia, the domestic division of the company has been operating under a separate legal entity since January 2023.

As the Russian division separated from the headquarters, the customer needed to find substitutes for all its foreign systems and services.

The customer needed to improve the quality of receiving orders. The problem with the current support was the low level of call acceptance, at only 86.7%, as well as the lack of Russian-speaking operators on the line. Because of this, contacting technical support was a viable option only for those employees who spoke English, but even they could not always get an answer and solve their problem.

In order to make the migration of its corporate systems as loss-free and comfortable as possible for 2,600+ users, the customer turned to ICL Services for assistance with moving data and separating local technical support from the global headquarters.

Key Challenges

  • Provide support to users when migrating data from Microsoft 365 (Outlook) to Yandex 360.
  • Implement Service Desk.
  • Raise the acceptance and response rate for telephone and ITSM calls to 90+%.
Implemented our solution

  1. Work on the project was done in two blocks: support of migration of user data from Microsoft 365 (Outlook) to Yandex 360 and the creation of a new Line 1 for technical support.

    Work on the migration began in December 2022. When the staff size is so large, moving data is difficult without prior training, so experts from ICL Services educated the customer's employees on integrating users into the new corporate system, Yandex 360.

    • We prepared training materials, held webinars on working in the system, and sent login information to the customer's employees.
    • We also formed a knowledge base with answers to any essential questions that may arise when working with Yandex 360.

    In the event that employees were unable to resolve corporate system integration issues on their own, we created a Service Desk. The ICL Services team took calls from employees and advised them on the problem or referred calls to Line 2 specialists.

    On the first day of data migration, over 600 tickets and 900 calls were received, a very large volume that caused the service to collapse. Nevertheless, ICL specialists responded promptly and managed to process over 450 tickets and 400 calls in the system, at an average of 100 calls per operator. In the next few days, service operations were optimized, with over 90% of phone calls being accepted and 100% of the requests in ITSM system being processed.

    An additional problem was the lack of routing information about the tech support data. ICL Services engineers had to build a routing matrix all on their own in a very short time. Telephony also posed an issue, as some calls simply did not reach the technical support. The problem was identified on the global provider's end, and subsequently eliminated by ICL Services.

    Despite the tight deadlines and challenges, the ICL Services team worked expediently, and by January 30, had already made significant contributions to migrating data and supporting all users with a small team of just 10 people.  


  • Over the course of just a month and a half, we helped the cus-tomer become fully independent of the parent company's glob-al technical support, deployed a Service Desk, and organized 24/7 expert support.
  • We trained 2,600+ employees and migrated their data suc-cessfully.
  • The acceptance and response rates for telephone calls in-creased to 93.4% in January and 98.5% in February. Custom-er expectations were exceeded by 16%.
  • As many as 98% of tickets in January, and 100% in February, were processed in the ITSM system. Customer expectations were exceeded by 19%.
  • User satisfaction with the service reached 88% in January and 100% in February.
  • Average time on hold decreased from 90 to 14 seconds.
  • Currently, the customer is continuing to cooperate with ICL Services and has plans for new joint projects.

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