The customer is the Japanese developer of production
environment digitising systems.
The customer’s clients have their own databases with different table structures. These databases are to be regularly synchronised with the customer ICL Services data, which is stored or exported in CSV files (own CSV text file format is used).Manual data exchange process between the Customer ICL Services and the customer’s clients takes a long time. The risk of an error is also increased.
Key Challenges
- Automate data synchronisation between the customer ICL Services and the customer’s clients.
Implemented our solution
- Project details were discussed in Japanese. ICL Services team and the customer decided to develop a utility for data processing.
ICL Services specialists developed an application with an interface in Japanese for Japanese Windows 10, both 32 and 64 bits, and also created a user manual in Japanese.
The system has four basic functions:
- Import Transaction File
- Export Schedule File
- Export Master File
- General
Moreover, SQL optimisation was required for Excel, as it is the slowest ODBC compared to Postgre or Oracle.
Products and technologies
- ODBMS (Oracle, PostgreSQL, Excel), Japanese Win 10 (32/64 bit), C#/.Net
- Provided automated data conversion and transfer between the three types of databases (MS Excel, Oracle, Postgre) and text CSV files.
- Ensured data integrity and unique entries in accordance with the keys specified in the application.
- Simplified and accelerated the processes of the customer’s clients, increasing product attractiveness.
- Utility success rate in final testing is 100%.