ICL Services will help migrate to BI solutions based on the Foresight platform - News
ICL Services
5 September 2022


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ICL Services will help migrate to BI solutions based on the Foresight platform

ICL Services and Foresight have signed a partnership agreement. The parties plan to combine efforts to solve urgent tasks of import substitution in order to provide Russian customers with high-quality analogs of foreign BI systems.

"Today, there are great expectations for Russian software products. At the same time, the focus is on solutions that have already proven themselves on the Russian market. During the transition period of import substitution, it is important for customers to have a product with broad functionality, reliability, and good performance, which has proved its efficiency in a number of large-scale implementations. This is exactly the kind of solution that Foresight. Analytical Platform offers," says Ildar Nadreev, Senior Sales Support Manager at ICL Services. — We believe that the Foresight platform for data visualization and analysis is a viable alternative to Western BI vendor products."

"By combining the expertise of our companies, we create state-of-the-art solutions that are relevant to corporate customers. The Foresight platform processes large amounts of data, supports various types of data and their sources, and offers modeling and forecasting tools — precisely what government customers and large corporate clients want today," says Alexander Sturov, head of the Foresight partner program.

Foresight is one of Russia's largest BI vendors. The company supplies the market with time-tested Russian products for data analytics and business process management — Foresight. Analytical Platform, Foresight. Budgeting, Foresight. Investment Management. FlyBI, a lightweight business intelligence product, is also in the solution portfolio. All Foresight products are included in the Register of Russian Software.

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