ICL Services
26 April 2024


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ICL Services to Safeguard Client IT Infrastructure with SearchInform SIEM

Russian systems integrator ICL Services (part of the ICL Group) has selected SearchInform SIEM to expand its information security services. The company provides customers with comprehensive SIEM-based services from SearchInform, a system for monitoring and managing information security events. Representatives from SearchInform reported this to CNews.

"Partnering with Russian vendors, including SearchInform, is a strategic step in developing our information security services. This synergy can yield excellent results. It'll help our clients achieve the technological sovereignty that's being discussed at various levels today," said
Alexey Morozkov, Head of the Cybersecurity Management Center Group at ICL Services.

ICL Services has trained specialists who deliver turnkey SIEM system implementation services to customers, including tasks related to deploying and configuring SearchInform SIEM: connecting event sources, configuring correlation rules, and integrating with other solutions.

"The SearchInform solution was selected for its ease of use with businesses of any size and sector. Our collaboration will enable us to offer high-quality information security services to businesses on flexible and affordable terms, considering varying funding levels for digital projects," noted Alexey Morozkov.

A SearchInform study in 2022 revealed that 70% of Russian organizations found working with SIEM systems challenging. For 14% of the surveyed companies, the main deterrent from purchasing SIEM systems was the anticipated labor costs associated with implementation, setup, and customization.

"Customers often encounter challenges with customization and the limited functionality available straight out of the box. SearchInform SIEM is easily customizable for any client's IT infrastructure, but the system is designed so that in the vast majority of cases, minimal customization is required. The system already has over 400 ready-made rules for receiving and processing incidents, so customization often involves simply configuring existing functionality," said Alexey Parfentyev, Head of Analytics at SearchInform.

The partnership between ICL Services and SearchInform enables customers lacking their own equipment and dedicated analysts to establish comprehensive IT perimeter protection. The expertise of ICL SOC professionals is validated by international information security certifications, such as CEH, CompTIA Security+, Microsoft Security Operational Analyst, and specific certifications from partner vendors like SearchInform, Kaspersky, Usergate, and others.


SearchInform is a Russian developer of information security software. It's a member of the Russoft Association and the Information & Computer Technologies Industry Association Its clientele spans over 4000 companies across Russia and more than 20 countries worldwide.


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