ICL Services ensures the safety of customer information system using SoftControl and StarForce solutions - News
ICL Services
14 May 2020


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ICL Services ensures the safety of customer information system using SoftControl and StarForce solutions

ICL Services has entered into a cooperation agreement with the Russian software developer Protection Technology LLC (StarForce, SoftControl and SafenSoft trademarks).

In accordance with the agreement, ICL Services can offer its customers Protection Technologies LLC software and provide a full range of implementation and maintenance services in the Russian Federation and CIS countries.
SoftControl and StarForce software products are successfully used to solve the following problems:

1. protection of terminal devices (workstations and servers, ATMs and payment terminals, computerised cash registers, terminals and controllers of process control systems, medical equipment) against any type of attack

2. managing access to data outside the perimeter of the organisation: documents, emails and corporate multimedia content that were transmitted to unauthorised recipients accidentally or intentionally will not be available for viewing and distribution to third parties

3. protection of source code and binary files of corporate applications against reverse engineering and analysis by attackers in order to prevent the detection and exploitation of vulnerabilities

Currently, ensuring the security of financial transactions in accordance with GOST R 57580.1-2017 and ensuring compliance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 187-FZ ’On the Security of Critical Information Infrastructure of the Russian Federation’ are one of the key areas of activity of the ICL group of companies. Together with the vendor, a plan was prepared for 2020 that is already being implemented by banks, industrial enterprises, the fuel and energy complex, transport enterprises, software companies as well as educational and scientific organisations.

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