How secure is the IT infrastructure of your company? - News
ICL Services
28 December 2015


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How secure is the IT infrastructure of your company?

Issues of IT infrastructure security are directly related to reputation, financial and legal well-being of any company. Efficient business operation requires having an information protection strategy reflected in the IT security system that provides the required level of data protection at reasonable expenses and limitations of the functionality of IT services.

According to Gartner analysts, the global information security market will grow with the forecast CAGR of 7.4% until 2019. The major points of potential growth will include: security testing, service outsourcing and Identity Access Management (IAM.)

In this connection, the IT infrastructure safety assessment service makes it possible to conduct a professional analysis of IT infrastructure security for compliance with business requirements and best practices. That will allow organizing the interaction of various security systems in the best way: anti-virus solutions, firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, event management systems, etc.

The safety assessment will provide objective data on the current state of IT infrastructure, help reduce the risks of possible security breaches and prepare all the necessary countermeasures to minimize and/or prevent them. Timely detection of the weakest spots in the information security and access control systems is the key to a reliable, efficient and safe functioning of the elements of IT systems and the whole infrastructure of a company.

The IT infrastructure safety assessment consists of several stages of implementation, which include the analysis of the current state of infrastructure and the development of the best strategy for improving the safety of service:

  • assessment of the risks of current infrastructure and their impact on the business;
  • comparison of security requirements with objective limitations of a business model;
  • check of the selected security policy model for compliance with international standards.

«The assessment results show what measures to improve the stability and security of IT infrastructure, the quality of IT services and corporate culture of employees a company will need to take,» says Sergey Nedashkovsky, head of the Data Center Infrastructure Department. «That, in the end, will increase the level of IT infrastructure security, as well as significantly reduce the risk and total cost of ownership.»


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