ICL Services
2 July 2024


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Evgeny Fridland: “For IT, Is An Opportunity To “Reset” The Team And Take A Fresh Look At The Next Half-Year”

In summer, ICL Services participates in the largest industry events in Russia, and arranges its own summer events to create a business environment and digital community around ICL Services. This informal way of interacting with partners, customers, and colleagues enables us to discuss new joint tasks and strengthen partnerships. Evgeny Fridland, Commercial Director of ICL Services, will tell us about it.

– Evgeny, what problems are Russian IT companies focused on in the summer months, based on your observations and experience? In particular, in 2024?

– With the onset of the summer holiday season, business processes in many areas slow down to a great extent. Some companies from among our customers are slowing down their work. However, for ICL Services, this is, first of all, the time to take an opportunity to complete the tasks which cannot be implemented at our customers' facilities without suspending their key business processes, for example, updating equipment, migrating data, changing an IT solution. As a product and service company that operates 24/7 all year round, we do not stop our work even for a day for our customers to always be confident in the performance and fault tolerance of their IT infrastructure. Even in the summer months, we continue to take on the most complex innovative projects.

Second, this period provides a chance to sum up the results of the first half-year and once again work out plans for the third and fourth quarters, which are the most active in the business environment. Our team is using this time to finalize transactions and projects to be implemented in the second half of 2024. Among other things, for both us and our partners, summer is an excellent opportunity to conduct pilot implementations and prepare for the launch of new solutions or their introduction to the market.

– What interesting things are planned for summer 2024 or are already being implemented by your company?

– The summer season is not rich in business events, but those in which we participate require a lot of preparation and careful study. The summer season of events has already been opened by major digital forums, such as CIPR in Nizhny Novgorod, SPIEF in St. Petersburg, and Innoprom-2024 in Yekaterinburg, but the Digital Evolution in Kaluga is still ahead. In addition, the Kazan Digital Week digital forum is planned to be held in September, and we start preparing for it 2–3 months before the event.

To create a business environment and digital community around ICL Services, we arrange our own summer events. This informal way of interacting with partners, customers, and colleagues enables us to discuss new joint tasks and strengthen partnerships.

– Please formulate in a few words: summer for the IT business is...

– Summer for the IT business is an opportunity to “reboot” the team and take a fresh look at the next half-year, outline a development vector based on the results of the previous quarters, and actively start working in new directions. In addition, this is an excellent chance to come up with new ideas for implementing projects, compare the development strategy with the results already achieved and, if required, adjust the work plan for employees.

– Thank you very much for the conversation.

Read also on ICT-Online.


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