Cloud technology week at Global CIO - News
ICL Services
8 December 2015


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Cloud technology week at Global CIO

This week is a cloud technology week at the Global CIO portal. The editorial has prepared new topical materials and made a selection of the most interesting cloud-related discussions that had been published on the portal over the year.

The purpose of this project is to accumulate the views of colleagues and experts on this topic in order to improve the decision-making process in the field of cloud computing for CIOs.

As part of this week, ICL Services posted its own up-to-date ICL Cloud business solution on the web-site. This solution is an OpenStack-based corporate (private) or public cloud that implements the concept of software-defined data center built with the use of software-defined networks and data storage systems.

The advantages of ICL Cloud solution:

  • Investment protection. No need to abandon currently used technologies. You can create a truly hybrid private or public cloud by complementing an existing VMware or Microsoft virtualization system with an OpenStack cloud platform.
  • Reliable support. The solution supports open source components or their commercial versions with vendor support, which is very important for the corporate environment.
  • Turnkey solution. If not performed by qualified experts, the implementation of Ceph, OpenStack, ManageIQ and OpenShift may involve certain risks.
  • Open architecture. You always get the source code of standard components, which simplifies the certification and further adaptation of the developed solution. Open and modular architecture of ICL Cloud allows implementing all the benefits of a hybrid approach.
  • Flexible application configuration in a cloud. The main advantage of the platform is the ability to quickly switch applications on («unwind») or off, as well as flexibly maximize the computing power with increase of the load on an application.

ICL Services carries out a comprehensive project aimed at designing and implementing a corporate or public cloud aimed to support complex business applications, such as enterprise management systems, CRM systems, accounting software, etc. By providing a remote administration service of an implemented cloud solution, our company helps its customers significantly reduce the IT expenses on a company scale and improve the usage of information and computing resources through allowing to concentrate on core company objectives and taking care of a cloud infrastructure.


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