Social responsibility | ICL Services
ICL Services

Social responsibility

What is social responsibility for ICL Services?

Being one of the leaders in its market segment, the company provides a significant contribution to social and environmental welfare of society and adheres to the principles defined by the international standard ISO 26000

Business always means a responsibility to society

The company's principles towards Corporate Social Responsibility

Ethical behavior Ethical behavior
The company considers ethical the behavior of its employees, which corresponds to the company’s mission and values.
Respect for the interests of parties concerned Respect for the interests of parties concerned
The company continuously interacts with parties concerned, on a regular basis it identifies, assesses and takes into account the expectations and interests of those parties through meetings, interviews, surveys, and analysis of complaints.
Respect for human rights Respect for human rights
The company respects human rights, realizing that they are inseparably applicable in the countries where the company operates, in all cultures and circumstances, it takes measures to comply with them, considers it unacceptable to benefit from situations where the law or its implementation does not provide commensurate protection of human rights.
Respect for the rule of law and international norms of behavior Respect for the rule of law and international norms of behavior
The company complies with all applicable laws and regulations, takes steps to identify and study such applicable laws and regulations, informs employees about the responsibility for compliance and promotes the adoption of appropriate and timely measures to ensure compliance with the law in all company’s jurisdictions.
Transparency Transparency
The company strives to disclose in a clear, accurate, complete, reasonable and sufficient form its policy, decisions and activities for which it is responsible including the known and likely impacts on society, economy and environment. The principle of transparency does not imply the disclosure of confidential information or information which disclosure may result in a violation of legal, commercial, security and privacy obligations.
Accountability Accountability
The company recognizes the need for regular reporting on the impact of its activities on society, economy and environment. It is considering constructive criticism of parties concerned as a source of the improvement of its activities and will respond to such criticism, which includes measures aimed at preventing the recurrence of negative impacts.

Social Report

In accordance with the company’s priorities in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility, it focuses on the following components of Corporate Social Responsibility (in compliance with ISO 26000):

  1. Promoting economic development in the regions where the company operates

    The company provides high-quality, technologically advanced IT services based on accumulated knowledge and experience, opens new business opportunities for its customers. The Company annually generates more than 250 jobs; the growth of export earnings has increased by 6.5 times over the last 5 years.

  2. Providing quality services and products

    The company efficiently uses the customer feedback system (CSAT). ICL Services provides information security of services, which is annually confirmed by an independent audit of compliance with ISO 27001.

    ICL Services continuously improves the quality of IT services based on implemented Lean technologies.

  3. Investing in human capital
    • ICL Services focuses on the continuous development and maintenance of human resources.
    • 95% of employees complete internal training annually.
    • 52 employees participated in the training program for managerial candidate pool, 28 of them currently hold management positions.
    • The Employee of the Year contest held annually is an example of effective non-financial recognition of workers.
    • The CSat-StarTeam professional competition held quarterly encourages employees to improve continuously the quality of services provided.
    • Each employee receives a quarterly reimbursement of the cost of sports activities.
    • The company organizes and supports such activities by renting playgrounds for football, volleyball, basketball and even cyber sport.
  4. Responsible corporate behavior

    It creates a corporate culture that promotes compliance of employees and senior officials with ethical norms and rules stipulated by the Code and internal policies regarding anti-corruption activities, possible violation of human rights, discrimination, development of communication, ensuring effective interaction with parties concerned. The company encourages innovation and personal development, as well as the desire of employees to contribute to the improvement of society through their work. The company has implemented confidential procedures that can be used to notify about possible or past violations, as well as transparent procedures of their investigation and disciplinary responsibility.

    • Code of the Company
    • Area-specific policy of service provision
    • Verdant activity program up to 2016
    • Corporate social responsibility policy
    • Anti-corruption policy
    • Policy on organizational changes
    • Clear desk and clear screen policy
  5. Charity and sponsorship

    The company participates in charitable and volunteer programs in support of children and social institutions (including orphanages, hospitals), supports social projects and initiatives, charitable organizations and foundations, etc. It collects gifts for children with disabilities, organizes charity fairs, and participates in the national program “Million in Pocket Change”. Over the year, the company takes part in more than 40 charity events.

Minimizing the negative impact on the environment

The Company has created Green Team – a group of socially active employees from various units. The Team is implementing a program intended to achieve social and ecological targets of the Company:

Why is it important to us?

We aim to be the leading Company in all fields, even regarding environmental issues and solving social problems! We help our employees fulfill their wish to make this world better.

  • Reducing harmful effect on the environment
  • Effective use and saving of energy and other resources
  • Uniting employees in solving the society's problems
  • Supporting volunteers during social events
Our actions:
  • We implement solutions in our offices aimed at reducing the cost of electrical energy, water and heat
  • We remove garbage from the public recreation zones
  • We plant trees
  • We collect garbage separately (e.g., we dispose batteries properly)
  • We train our employees how to effectively use power resources at home and at work
  • We have implemented Carsharing service
  • We are implementing efficient power consumption plans for the equipment (workstations, servers etc.)
  • We hold charity events
  • We create environment management system (ISO 14001)
The company is committed to the responsible conduct of business and does not accept any manifestation of illegal or unethical behavior. You can report non-compliance with laws and business etiquette by an employee or another representative of the Company by sending a message to . Confidentiality is guaranteed.

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