ICL Services
14 June 2023


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ICL Services Will Present a New Infrastructure as a Product Approach at The CNews Forum

The "CNews FORUM Cases: Experience of IT Leaders" event will take place on June 20, and ICL Services is proud to be a partner and will present its own Infrastructure as a Product approach to providing IT services.

In the IT in Retail segment, ICL Services' Head System Administrator, Ruslan Fedorov, will showcase the company's new approach to managing the IT infrastructure as a product. Notably, this approach enables businesses to specify their IT system requirements without having to delve into IT intricacies. They can receive a fully functional IT infrastructure that meets those needs.

"A managed retail IT infrastructure enables retail businesses to make stable trading transactions, develop new client services and business ideas. In my presentation, I will talk about how IaaP approach can be useful for retail IT systems, how it works, and its potential application. I will also share some successful examples of IaaP implementation in retail projects," he says.

The "CNews FORUM Cases: Experience of IT Leaders" event will be held in Moscow and will focus on practical solutions for complex digitalization challenges in today's environment.

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