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ICL Services to launch its school of IT Sales managers
The School will be open to senior university students, specialists with a degree or experience in IT who want to try their hand in sales or are motivated to change their profession and grow their income.
For 3 months, the candidates will attend lectures and practical classes to be conducted by ICL Services experts twice a week at the technology park to deep dive into the profession and gain knowledge regarding the main areas of an IT company's operations.
Under the guidance of experienced mentors, the School participants will learn how to form and develop their own client base, prepare commercial proposals and presentations, interact with ICL Services' project and technical team to improve the company's services and products.
This year, 3 to 5 high-potential people will be selected to participate in the paid internship program. Upon the training completion, the candidates who have formed a successful sales funnel will get an official employment offer for further professional growth with ICL Services, which is one of the largest IT companies in Russia.
The School starts on August 20. Click here to apply for the program and see the curriculum before August 15.
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