ICL Services' Initiative To Transition Tatarstan's Government To Linux Nominated as "Project Of The Year 2024" - News
ICL Services
12 November 2024


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ICL Services' Initiative To Transition Tatarstan's Government To Linux Nominated as "Project Of The Year 2024"

This project, undertaken by ICL Services for the Digital Transformation Center of the Republic of Tatarstan, has received recognition in the "Project of the Year" contest organized by the Global CIO IT community. Collaborating with Astra Group, the initiative involves the extensive migration of 150,000 workstations used by civil servants in the region to Russian software and the Astra Linux operating system.

Tatarstan was among the first regions in Russia to launch this large-scale endeavor. As part of the project, specialists from ICL Services are transitioning workstations from foreign Microsoft Windows to the Astra Linux Special Edition across 82 state and municipal facilities.

One primary objective of the project extends beyond merely migrating to a new operating system; it also aims to facilitate the adaptation of civil servants to the new system. To achieve this, ICL Services regularly organizes both online and offline training sessions. Additionally, experts from ICL Astra Services provide ongoing operational support to the IT specialists within governmental bodies during the migration process.

IT executives (CIOs, CDOs, CTOs, etc.) registered on the Global CIO portal can cast their vote for the ICL Services project and leave comments. Voting will be open from November 11, 2024, to January 8, 2025.

"Project of the Year" is a specialized IT competition held annually by Global CIO, a professional community for leaders in digital transformation. In 2024, the contest marks its 14th iteration, once again providing Russia's top IT companies with the opportunity to showcase their high competencies and real-world case studies implemented for their clients.


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