ICL Services included in the rating of the best employers in 2024 according to HeadHunter - News
ICL Services
7 February 2025


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ICL Services included in the rating of the best employers in 2024 according to HeadHunter

HeadHunter has published a rating of the best employers in Russia according to the results of 2024. ICL Services, a product and service company, has been included in the top 200 employers in Russia.
The rating of employers in Russia from is one of the largest and most important indicators for job seekers when choosing a company. As part of the voting, participants evaluated the possibility of professional growth in the company, working conditions and the brand's attractiveness for potential employees. The rating encompasses a total of 1,729 companies from all over Russia from various industries.

ICL Services is a top 200 large company (1,001 to 5,000 Employees) and ranks 152nd out of 395 companies across industries. Employees and potential employees assess ICL Services as an attractive and open employer, successfully developing its image on the market.

"Our greatest value and wealth is our people. We strive to create all conditions for our employees to have a harmonious work-life balance, building a comfortable work-life balance. A hybrid work format enabling people to work from any city in Russia and support for professional growth make ICL Services a comfortable place to work and develop. The company is an excellent career start for beginners, and unlimited opportunities for self-realization, implementation of ideas, and achievement of new heights for experienced professionals. It is only thanks to our employees that we can move forward and create the future," comments Ruslan Vagizov, CEO of ICL Services.



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