ICL Services
20 August 2024


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ICL Services expands its portfolio and its updates its brand identity

ICL Services, a product and service company and part of ICL Group, has announced a large-scale rebranding initiative. The move reflects the company's expansion of its service offerings, with a focus on not only IT service tasks, but also product development and complex integration projects.

As part of the rebranding effort, the company is updating its visual identity to align with contemporary trends. The company's press service explained that its previous palette, which primarily consisted of red, white, and gray colors, will now incorporate vibrant orange and yellow accents, symbolizing multifaceted dynamic growth and commitment to innovation. The iconic ICL red still remains a prominent feature in the new color range.

The company will rebrand itself in phases: starting with internal materials for direct interactions with customers and points of contact, then moving on to remake the corporate video, and finally revamping the icl-services.com website.

Since its inception in 2006, ICL Services has been a pioneer in introducing international outsourcing standards in the Russian IT market. Today, the company is elevating its offerings beyond managed IT services. Its portfolio now encompasses an extensive service pool, from audit and consultations to large-scale integration projects that involve the delivery and implementation of IT and information security solutions. The company also offers hardware-software complexes and proprietary software products like Kolibri-ARM, AISee, and much more.

"We have come a long way from a global IT service provider to a mature creator of proprietary digital products and solutions for the Russian market. While IT outsourcing has historically been our core focus, we feel ready for this shift and are confident that our new image will help us make a visual showcase of our new potential,“ says Renata Abaidullina, Head of Marketing and PR at ICL Services.


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