ICL Services carries businesses into the clouds - News
ICL Services
23 November 2023


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ICL Services carries businesses into the clouds

ICL Services, an IT outsourcing company with a wealth of knowledge and many years of experience working with both international and Russian cloud providers, has refined its approach to transitioning to cloud services. Businesses will migrate in the most optimal time frame, enjoying superior service quality.

To ensure stable business operations in today's environment, an effective and adaptable IT infrastructure is established using Russian cloud services, such as, Yandex Cloud, and VK Cloud. Based on business needs, ICL Services experts either move specific digital assets, services, databases, IT resources, and applications to the cloud, migrate the entire business, or help with transitioning from one cloud to another. This is particularly useful when a company needs to move away from a foreign cloud platform like AWS, Azure, GCP, Oracle, IBM, etc.
"ICL Services experts not only assist in cloud migration but also carry out an initial IT infrastructure assessment to determine whether the busineess is ready to move. Among our recent major clients, was a large foreign manufacturer of crop protection products that needed to migrate from an international cloud to a domestic solution in order to continue doing business in Russia. The project was completed in just 4 months and helped establish a localized and reliable infrastructure for Russian divisions. It also resulted in cost savings, as data storage became 3 times cheaper,"  - says Natalia Efimtseva, a system architect at ICL Services.

Furthermore, ICL Services experts are introducing companies to Disaster Recovery* services for the IT infrastructure, using a backup cloud platform that takes over work tasks during system failures. This approach ensures quick automated recovery of IT infrastructure and business applications in the cloud, preventing data loss and business process downtime.

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