ICL Services became Microsoft SAM Gold partner - News
ICL Services
7 August 2015


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ICL Services became Microsoft SAM Gold partner

The ICL Services has been awarded with the status of Microsoft SAM Gold Partner, which gives us the opportunity to work within the framework of the Microsoft Incentive Program and provide three types of SAM services:

  1. Baseline — inventory of Microsoft software in the customer’s company, overview of the licensing documentation, and identifying opportunities to improve the license provision situation;
  2. Assessment — review of the customer’s existing software asset management processes, determination of the maturity level of software asset management, identifying optimization opportunities, and associated ROI (return on investment);
  3. Deployment Planning — a pilot project for the selection of tools to software inventory and utilization.

The status opens new possibilities for our customers too. Now they can assess license compliance of the Microsoft software free of charge, conduct the process maturity analysis (Software Asset Management) for the Microsoft software, and implement pilot project for selection of technical tool for the software inventory and accounting of the Microsoft software utilization using products of the Microsoft System Center, Windows Intune, and Microsoft Assessment, and Planning Toolkit.

Monitoring of the Microsoft software does not solve all the problems of software asset management, but the services provided by the ICL Services within the Microsoft Incentive Program will help to quickly resolve luck of licensing for the Microsoft products, provide a preliminary maturity assessment and identify problems in existing software asset management processes of the customer. Our experts recommend Microsoft SAM as the initial phase of the implementation of the comprehensive software assets management. A comprehensive approach of the ICL Services, which addresses the problems of software asset management, includes:

  • optimization of the software asset management processes;
  • implementation of tools for dynamic level control of license compliance of software assets used in the DPCs and on client’s workstations;
  • services for analysis of software readiness for migration to other versions of operating systems and virtualization;
  • innovative SaaS-solution Colibri Intelligence Portal which enables to significantly reduce analytical work on the software rationalization and preparation for migration;
  • design and implementation of advanced systems for the software deployment and virtualization;
  • services for the preparation of installation and virtualized software packages.

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