How to make a Data centrer most efficient for business? - News
ICL Services
29 July 2015


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How to make a Data centrer most efficient for business?

In modern world the business requirements and customer expectations are continuously growing. Managers of companies that possess their own data centers have incentives in their continuous development and performance improvement in order to support business growth strategy, provide innovative services and increase the company’s competitiveness.

To achieve the maximum efficiency the experts advise companies to start with an assessment of the resources utilization effectiveness, that is to analyse and optimize data center components such as:

  • Data transfer networks
  • Data storage networks
  • Servers (operating systems, databases)
  • Infrastructure applications

In addition, a survey must be conducted to minimize financial, legal, and reputational risks associated with the lack of reliable information about the IT infrastructure due to its constant growth and change. Our experts help to prepare for any IT projects and reduce risks, and carry out routine activities based on complete and accurate information.

Results of such analysis will become a basis for the list of objectives and priorities of a general strategy of the data center infrastructure development and optimization. Its formation and keeping updated will give a company a vision of a development vector, exclude situational decisions and, ultimately, help to manage a data center in a more efficient way.

The service of analysis, evaluation, and development strategy optimization of the DPC, which can be provided by our specialists, considers applicability of technologies and practices such as:

  • consolidation and advanced methods for the DPC facilities arrangement;
  • widespread automation of operations for the DPC creation and support;
  • broad virtualization (computing, networking, data storage, applications);
  • convergence and merging of the company units related to development (implementation) and support of applications and infrastructure (DevOps);
  • other practices for DPC enhancement.

Our practical recommendations, based on experience and accumulated knowledge base, will allow you, with our assistance, to transform and significantly improve IT infrastructure of your DPC.


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