Green Initiatives of ICL Services: Aiming for the Future - News
ICL Services
16 July 2020


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Green Initiatives of ICL Services: Aiming for the Future

ICL Services is a major system integrator that provides IT services to more than 80 customers in 30 countries. Employees of 7 offices ensure 24/7 service and combine their work duties with a busy corporate life.This life has the following development focuses:

• clean business and lean manufacturing;

• equality in all aspects of life and work;

• charity and help to society;

• environment protection and green lifestyle.

The last area — green initiatives — is the most popular among employees. Here is an overview of our 2019 activities.

Over the past year, the company has held more than 150 events in various formats. One-fourth of them were devoted to environmental issues. Employees endorse the company’s ideas and offer their own, as they see their contribution realized immediately during eco-focused campaigns. They are well-versed in environmental issues and interested in the topic. The traditional events with the largest coverage are eco-runs and clean-ups in city parks. They attract 100+ participants each.

Next, we will introduce the main pillars on which the company’s green initiatives are built. They make it possible to implement socially desirable projects and unlock the potential of proactive employees.
1. We present the opportunities
Clear and transparent ideas are easier to implement. When the company speaks about the benefits of its green initiatives, issues and ways to solve them, educating employees about the environment, everyone can decide for themselves whether this corporate culture is close to their heart.

The introduction to the company’s eco-orientation begins immediately after a new employee is hired. In addition to work-related topics, onboarding training includes a section dedicated to the environmental aspect. The colleagues present the completed projects and explain how to join the green movement. Participation in eco-events is voluntary. All you need to do is describe your idea, meet with an initiative group of volunteers, and discuss implementation steps. The only requirement for the employee is their desire to take on the project

2. We make people interested in ideas
To increase personnel’s interest in environmental issues, ICL Services uses both traditional communication channels (intranet portals, newsletters, meetings with employees) and non-trivial means. Among them are:

• Organization of various events, in particular, competitions and forest clean-ups, participation in the «Cycling to Work» and «Earth Hour» campaigns, the «Endangered Species» and «We Are Against Plastic» photo contests, drawing competitions on eco-topics for employees’ children, and the all-city ecological quest on the «World Cleanup Day».

Adding a fun component to an eco-project increases engagement. And when such events are held annually and integrated into the daily life of the company, they certainly become a good tradition.

• The use of quick communication channels.
Social media and messengers with attractive graphics help enlist the sufficient number of participants. Attendees are sent reminders a day before to reduce the risk that they would miss out an upcoming event or forget about it. Also, each participant can get a quick response from the organizers to clarify the points of interest.
Social media help attract participants who do not have access to intranet portals, such as job applicants, and people interested in the company’s activities. This allows expanding the reach and maintaining the reputation of a socially responsible employer in the eyes of prospective employees.

• Combination of various event formats.
An original touch to ongoing initiatives helps preserve the interest in them within the company. If employees want to take part in a sports event or an educational lecture, it can be combined with an environmental theme.

One of the most memorable events in the life of the company was the eco-run in the Gorky Park (Kazan) which gathered 100+ participants. After the race, the employees went to participate in the all-city cleanup day. 
The bike ride, combined with an excursion to the observatory, was also highly appreciated by colleagues and had a good reach.

Volunteers of the company complement educational lectures on the separate waste collection with practical training. During such an event, employees are invited to sort waste into the necessary sections independently and solve the problem of separate collection and recycling of waste as a group. The knowledge received is reinforced by practice in the office, where everyone has the opportunity to control the separate collection of organic waste, different types of plastic, paper, and tea bags in sectional containers on each floor. When the containers become full, employees write to the organizers asking to empty them. For this, the company cooperates with an eco-organization that transports waste to city sorting points.

3. We ensure freedom of action
Eco-activists in the company are volunteers interested in projects from the moment of their inception. They are willing to devote time and energy to the implementation of these ideas because they realize their value and impact on society. Corporate support of proactive employees and trust in them is the path that ICL Services chooses. By handing over the full implementation of green projects to employees, the company enjoys returns and results. An employee passionate about their idea takes every effort to implement it successfully.

4. We support initiatives
Leadership support also plays an important role. It has become a tradition in ICL Services that managers and team leaders participate in the planting of trees on the surrounding territory of the office.
Sometimes the leaders become the main force behind such campaigns. For example, the company’s CEO Ruslan Vagizov made a great contribution to the organization of the eco-run.

5. We provide feedback
After each event, we get feedback from the participants. It is part of the corporate culture of ICL Services. Seeing that your project was appreciated properly is always heartwarming. Publishing news with the names of the «heroes» of the event on the intranet portal makes this feedback even more valuable, and award ceremonies for volunteers held at the end of the year with the personal participation of top managers create motivation for further success.
Sometimes the leaders become the main force behind such campaigns. For example, the company’s CEO Ruslan Vagizov made a great contribution to the organization of the eco-run.

6. We focus on the future
One-time campaigns usually have an extensive reach, since the event is new and the interest in it is high. It is much more difficult to maintain a permanent interest in environmental issues. ICL Services takes a forward-looking approach with a focus on the future. To motivate employees to lead an eco-friendly lifestyle all the time, the company «plants a green line» in everyday activities and creates an atmosphere of respect for nature.

Environmentally-friendly office
It’s easier to be mindful of the environment if the workplace supports this kind of thinking. In the offices of ICL Services there are containers for separate collection of waste, paper, and batteries. Volunteers collect clothes which are sent to the local free market and then to those in need. The traditional planting of trees and flowers around the office building makes the surrounding territory both beautiful and green.
Mugs lost or misplaced by employees are used as pots for houseplants which emphasises the idea of recyclability.

Stickers on office walls urge employees to turn off the water if they don’t wash their hands and cut down on water consumption. When printing, it is preferable to use dirty copies. If an employee is going on vacation, they will get an email reminder to turn off their laptop. More detailed information about the company’s environmental activities is published in the special portal section.

Minimum transport use
The company strives to decrease the use of corporate shuttle buses during events by looking for volunteer drivers who will pick up and drop off colleagues along the way or organizing events in the office which eliminates the need to go to another location.
There is a bicycle parking near each office. Everything is arranged in such a way that employees can get to work without using their cars.

During onboarding, new employees receive a beginner’s kit, which contains a mug (to prevent them from using disposable plastic cups), an eco-friendly pen made from recycled materials, and badge cases — all with minimal packaging.
When choosing gifts, the company always focuses on environmental friendliness and natural materials. ICL Services also increases support of regional contractors to minimize environmental impacts of cargo transportation.

Sustainability of events
When organizing large corporate events for 1000+ people, instead of purchasing individual water bottles, the company orders large containers. Employees are encouraged to bring their thermal tumblers.

Containers for separate waste collection, reusable photo zones, no plastic, eco-friendly design — these principles have been implemented in the company since 2019 and become commonplace.

With the transition of employees to remote work, online campaigns, lectures, contests and events are becoming increasingly popular. At the same time, their environmental impact is minimal because the issues of transportation to the event venue, power consumption, disposable tableware, and packaging for catering are eliminated.
For instance, during the lockdown, the company held an online meeting with an eco-blogger, workshops on growing microgreens, and environmental lectures.

All these steps make the corporate life of employees both exciting and environmentally friendly. By organizing special events and campaigns, creating comfortable conditions in the office, educating colleagues and helping them implement their ideas, the company lays the groundwork for the future: future projects, further engagement in the corporate life, and interest in the topic. An environmentally conscious employee should feel supported and receive positive feedback on their work. In this way, they will always be motivated to implement new initiatives both inside the company and externally. Even if a colleague decides to change the employer, they are likely to maintain respect for nature and continue to support and promote the «green» lifestyle.

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